You will need:
2 large White Pomfret or Golden Pompano fish (available in Asian Stores)
3 + 2 tsp coarse kosher salt
1 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp red chili powder
I large pod garlic, peeled and separated into cloves
1 inch piece ginger, peeled and sliced
6 thai green peppers
Juice from two limes
2 cups chopped cilantro1 cup cream of coconut, or fresh ground coconut paste
2 tsp sugar (optional)
You will also need:
- One large banana leaf (available in the frozen section in Asian stores. You will get better results if you are able to lay your hands on a fresh, green banana leaf, although hard to find)
- Aluminum Foil
Most Asian stores that sell these fish will gut and clean them for you. Ask to have the head, fins and tail removed.
· Bring the fish to room temperature. Scale and then score the fish with 3-4 deep cuts on each side.
· Use this rub all over the fish, including in the body cavity, the slits and the top and bottom surfaces.
· Add Cilantro and Cream of Coconut and remaining salt. Puree to a smooth paste.
· Wipe down banana leaves with a paper towel.
· Place each banana leaf half on a large piece of foil.
· Spread each fish generously on both sides with the cilantro-coconut paste, inside the body cavity, in the slits and on the top.
· Place the fish on the banana leaf. Fold the banana leaf over the fish, then wrap the foil around the banana leaf to make a tightly-wrapped package.
· Place the foil-wrapped fish on a baking tray, fold-side down. Bake for 20 minutes, then turn over and bake for another 20 minutes.
· If steaming the fish, place the foil-wrapped in a steamer over boiling water and cook for about 1/2 hour on each side.
· If poaching, add the foil-wrapped fish directly into the water, turn down the heat and cook for about 1/2 hour on each side.
· Remove the baking tray from the oven. If steamed or poached, remove the fish from the steamer or the water. Allow the fish to sit for about 10 minutes before unwrapping.
· Carefully open the foil wrap and banana leaf.
· Cut each fish in half and serve over white rice and accompanied by a simple chopped salad. Serves 4.